13 iulie 2017

Proiect fotografic

At first there were feelings. Feelings that have lain up for years for the factor that has made them materialize: Miruna. Miruna is an 8-year-old girl I met at the " Parents of Angels Day" - an event attended by parents, grandparents, children who lost a baby or brother / sister too early. At this event I participated as a photographer. It attracted me, her the way the emotions of the event had lived, the serene, but mature look for her age, as if shaded by thoughts. For some time I was thinking of a photographic project dedicated to my sister, which is no longer among us, and as I saw her, I realized she was what I was looking for. Her mother, a special lady and a good soul (the organizer of the event in Constanta) was immediately in agreement and after I asked her and Miruna we did set a photo shoot. The project presents the moments that a human passes from the moment of hearing the news that someone dear is no longer among us: regret, melancholy, introspection, pray, reflection, contemplation, nostalgia, memory, message, consolation, joy - and until he finds peace, balance, well-being.

La inceput au fost sentimentele. Sentimente care au stat in stare latenta ani de zile pana cand a aparut factorul care le-a facut sa se materializeze: Miruna. Miruna este o fetita de 8 ani pe care am cunoscut-o la evenimentul "Ziua parintilor de ingeri" - eveniment la care au luat parte parinti, bunici, copii care au pierdut un copilas sau fratior/surioara prea devreme. La acest eveniment am participat in calitate de fotograf. M-a atras la ea modul cum si-a trait emotiile prilejuite de eveniment, privirea senina dar matura pentru varsta ei, parca umbrita de ganduri. De ceva timp ma gandeam la un proiect fotografic dedicat surorii mele, care nu mai este printre noi si de cum am vazut-o mi-am dat seama ca este ceea ce cautam. Mama ei, o doamna deosebita si cu suflet bun (organizatoarea evenimentului in Constanta) a fost imediat de acord si dupa ce am intrebat-o si pe Miruna am stabilit o sedinta foto. Proiectul prezinta momentele prin care trece un om din momentul aflarii vestii ca cineva drag nu mai este printre noi - regret, melancolie, introspectie, ruga, reflectie, contemplare, nostalgie, amintire, mesaj, mangaiere, bucurie - si pana isi gaseste linistea, echilibrul, starea de bine. 

1 regret
2 melancholy
5 reflection
6 contemplation
8 memory
9 message
10 consolation
11 joy 

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